"Speaking truth in times of great moral conflict and universal deciet, will always be a TART mission"–TART

The American Round Table (TART) Homepage

"Emergency is upon us!!! Therefore Let us: ....."be shy no longer,"..... "speak without fear,"..... and "keep the great republic" which our founding fathers built!!


We Are Moving To a New Site!!!

To all of our followers:

We at “The American Round Table” are pleased to inform you that we will be moving to a new website: http://tart.theconstitutionalknight.com/ . This move is due to the fact that we have grown and our number of followers has increased. We will still be continuing our mission to bring you stories on the battle to protect and preserve our constitution. We hope you will chose to continue following us in our pursuit of this vision.

This move will be effective at 12pm on 08/26/2013.

Thank You,

Milton Jefferson

Contributor to TART