"Speaking truth in times of great moral conflict and universal deciet, will always be a TART mission"–TART

Posts tagged “Choice

54% of Americans believed the ACA/Obamacare should have been repealed……Why?

Not the 99%; but rather the 54%: According to a series of polls, only 39% of americans support the ACA/Obamacare. Considering some argue ACA is about the needs of the many over the needs of the few; isn’t the many the 54% agianst ACA/Obamacare and the few being the 39% who support it? Still we must beg the question why do the many “54%” believe ACA/Obamacare is a bad law/policy.

My Opinion: Some people justify the ACA/Obamacare by saying its important that people will be “able” to get insurance, even if it means you “have” to get insurance. Is there really that many Americans who “can’t” get insurance already? Maybe a more accurate description is that many Americans chose not to get insurance. Crazy right, People choosing to do something that many politicians, scientist, and doctors argue isn’t good for them. It’s not like people don’t already do this by choosing to eat fast food on a daily basis, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, have unprotected sex, drink sodas, eat Twinkies, or even drive without a seatbelt.

Only 4,000,000 uninsured: Lets face it “ the number of those who lack insurance, pegged by the Census at 46 million in 2007”.

-Of that 46 million “According to recent NYT article…..More than 14 million americans qualify for medicaid insurance, but for whatever reason they have not enrolled.” (why? maybe I dunno [free will/their choice]).

-Of the remaining 32 million, “18 million make more than $50,000 a year and more than half of those 18 million make more than $75,000 a year.” (and they don’t have coverage? Maybe their like most “rich” people they prefer to pay in cash).

-With 14 million uninsured not yet discussed, “10 million are residents but not American citizens” (i.e. like the 80,000 illegal immigrants allowed to stay ing u.s. per pres. Obamas recent exec. order oh joy can you imagine how many more illegals will come after here after they hear this? I mean if they keep crossing at this rate we will have to wait to see our doctors; unless we beat the van of illegal’s by getting to the doc office first, yeah I’m investing in an Audi for this purpose.)
