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Posts tagged “Obamas church

Socialist Professor Attacks American-ness

teaching socialism

An editor for the collegefix recently posted on how a political science teacher published a syllabus  which told students to leave their “American-ness, White-ness, Male-ness” at the door. All in the name of using “Inclusive ” language I thought inclusive language INCLUded  everyone, even those pesky American White Males. Funny this same professor quoted Obamas church UCC. So why isn’t NBC or CNN publishing this story about the UCC’s war on American White Men after all they didn’t hesitate to quote Romneys religious beliefs as a “War on Women”.

All this “Inclusive talk reminds me of this video from Jon Stewart,

You know people are downplaying this already saying no student would do that nor fall for that Anti-American syllabus and bloggers are even condemning those who say this is a sign Socialism  has taken over our universities, like I do believe. I mean if its not true that Socialism is now the institutionalized philosophy of University’s then why was I able to find this syllabus much like the one currently in dispute.

Click here for the other syllabus I found!!

Nor why my textbook during college stated this: “In offering a sociological understanding of crime, this book suggests that the “get tough” approach is short-sighted since it ignores the roots of crime in the social structure and social inequality of society. To reduce crime, we must address these structural conditions and appreciate the role that factors such as race and ethnicity, gender, and social class play in criminal behavior.”

Look Around, it happening now!

Make sure you question with boldness,

Milton L. Jefferson